Washington DC Wedding Photographer


Behind the Scenes: Bloopers

Washington DC Wedding photographer
 Welcome!  I am a love stories and history obsessed photographer living in the heart of Washington DC, who is dedicated to  preserving legacies for future generations. Here is where share wedding tips and tricks, a peak into my work, and recent adventures. Pour yourself a glass of wine and enjoy!
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Hopefully I am not the only one thinks that the blooper at the end of movie are one of the best parts. There is something so funny about seeing all of the things that go on behind the camera. Well, consider this my blooper reel!

What you don’t see behind the camera, is the the true heart behind what I do. I really love my couples, and will do (almost) whatever it takes to get the perfect shot. Wether it is . More than just a photographer, I take the role of Bonus Bridesmaid very seriously- this often means bustling the dress, climbing on the furniture to get the right shot, hoping on the dance floor when the cotton-eyed-joe comes on (unfortunately also resulting in some very embarrassing photographs!)

Before I show you any of these images, need to take a moment to thank my seconds shooters, Lindsey and Victoria, not only for taking these images, but also being such all around awesome second shooters! Wedding days can be long days. Thank you both for  always having a great attitude and for loving my couples as much as I do.

Find them both on instagram:

Lindsey Markle 

Victoria Oberlin 

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I spy with my little eye..

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We call this the concentration face (and yes, I might be standing on the furniture here, just trying to get the perfect angle)

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But also I also have fun too

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Will do basically anything to get the shot. Not pictured here? The small rock  hiding in the ivy that I was precariously balanced on, to keep from falling down the cliff and into the bay- but do not worry, I got the photo.

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In college, I was so lucky to be apart of Zeta Tau Alpha. Not only was Maddy the president of my chapter, but three of her bridal part where my sisters- so I got to hop in a photo with them!

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Did I mention how much I love this job?

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When your second shooters are ALSO expert flower girl wranglers

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???? Every day I’m Bustling ????

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Sometimes veils have a mind of their own (but its an easy fix)

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Enjoy this particularly embarrassing action shot  ????

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I see you Julie Andre Events

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Right before the cake cutting, a large bug was spotted on the wall, but Ricky took care of it, no problem.

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Walking though the cake cutting

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Just trying to get the perfect angle of the speeches- without block anyones view.

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Clearly caught in mid dance

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I see you Victoria

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*always* down for a slice of cake

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If you have made it this far, thank you for taking time out of your day to ready this far!

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